Get full control over your food waste

Every year, up to 270,000 tonnes of food is thrown away in Swedish restaurants and commercial kitchens, which has consequences for both the environment and the economy. To reduce food waste, you need full control over where and when waste occurs in your business. 

Svinn Stor
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Measure waste at all stages of production: raw material waste, cooking waste, serving waste and plate waste, as well as in the entire organisation. 

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When you know where the waste occurs, it is possible to draw up an action plan to reduce food waste. 

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Generate organisation-wide reports to track your goals and motivate employees and guests to reduce waste. 

Measure food waste

The food waste module enables simple registration of food waste. To be able to minimise food waste, it must first be made visible in order to develop improvement measures.  


Each unit records and monitors its food waste daily. Centrally, it is then easy to compile the individual units or to see the total. Set clear waste goals which are monitored by simply selecting reports that show how you are progressing towards achieving your goals. 

Develop improvement measures

When you have better visibility, you can also put in place targeted measures for improvements. Perhaps you need to review the portion size for a particular recipe? Or investigate whether the quality of a particular meal deteriorates during transport leading to wastage during serving? Is there an option to offer a component-based menu instead of complete meals?  

The Mashie Food Waste module helps you to open your eyes to problems and find opportunities to fine-tune processes in the business. Everything to reduce food waste and drive your sustainability work forward. 

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More about sustainability
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