Food procurement

When Sweden’s municipalities make their food procurements, a lot of energy and time-consuming work is required. With digitalised food procurement, this is made both more efficient and with better results. Digitalising important parts of the meal process such as food procurement and follow-up/ spend analysis creates the conditions for an efficient, simple and safe process.

In combination with meal planning and self-monitoring, it provides full control over all steps in the meal process, everything from procurement, production, serving and follow-up.

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Save time

Manual work is reduced by up to 50%

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Save money

High contract compliance rate for the organisation’s purchases

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Increased quality

Set the right requirements for food procurements

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Clear statistics on purchases, stay on budget and achieve sustainability goals

Simplify and streamline

Hantera simplifies procurement of food and follow-up for commercial kitchens in both public and private sectors. The manual work can be reduced by up to 50%. The work not only proceeds more quickly, the number of errors and mistakes also reduces drastically.

With a digital solution you get support throughout the procurement process. From creating position documents to evaluating which supplier is the best choice.

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Illustrations Livsmedelsupphandling Uppsatta Mal 400

Achieve set goals

Contract compliance rate, proportion of ECO, locally-produced, climate impact per kilo of food, average cost per kilo of food – there are many goals that are to be achieved and the pressure is great. Meals must not only be healthy and planet-smart, they must also be of high quality and be purchased at as low a cost as possible.

  • Follow up your key figures

  • Have full control of your sustainability goals and budget

  • Buy the right products

Follow up your key figures

Statistics on food purchases are loaded into Hantera and follow-ups can be done at different levels in the organisation. With clear and detailed statistics on purchases, it becomes easier to follow up and develop improved purchasing patterns. Automatic distribution of key figures and reports provides a clear follow-up of the purchases and creates engagement in the organisation for further development of the meals. This means that you always have full control over important key figures to achieve your goals.

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Illustrations Ma╠Èltidsplanering Digitala Appar 400

Sustainability and health

Choice of food has a great effect on health and climate. As a result, the requirements for climate reporting of both the meals and the actual purchases are increasing. Many organisations have a high level of requirements regarding the proportion of plant-based foods, organic production and Swedish origin.

With support for food procurement, a good overview of the current situation is given and all opportunities to make changes based on objectives. By following up on the food's climate impact, it becomes easy to produce documentation for employees, politicians, environmental strategies and procurers.

Shop right and manage your budget

Set requirements in the procurement that correspond to set goals. This can concern packaging sizes, properties and criteria or developed climate goals. Through a clear set of requirements, you get the right quality of the products and can plan for quality-assured meals.

  • Then reconcile the purchases at item level

  • Follow the price trends of agreed products

  • Note replacement goods and keep track of purchases outside the agreement

By carefully following the price trends, there is a greater chance that you will be able to meet the set budget while maintaining the quality of the meal.

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Foodtech inspiration
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