Control over the entire meal process
Serving good food to many people is important, but certainly not easy. The meal process is complex; every change affects all stages. Only a comprehensive solution makes it possible to see how each change affects the whole.
Matilda FSRM (Food Service Resource Management) is the platform that connects all functions in the meal process, from procurement, planning, production, serving and follow-up.
We believe that control throughout the entire meal process, down to the level of detail, is a prerequisite for being able to make decisions that have a positive impact on sustainability, health and finances.

Deep dive into the different stages of the meal process

Food procurement
When Sweden’s municipalities make their food procurements, a lot of energy and time-consuming work is required. With digitalised food procurement, this is made both more efficient and with better results. Digitalising important parts of the meal process such as food procurement and follow-up/ spend analysis creates the conditions for an efficient, simple and safe process.
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Meal planning
Ensuring the meals in terms of nutritional content, costs, special diets and climate impact is a complex and time-consuming process. A digital solution for diet planning is a prerequisite for minimising manual work and provides great savings in time and money - while improving quality and goal follow-up.
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Food Safety
All meal operations that serve food to their guests have a responsibility to ensure that the food they serve is safe to eat. Everyone who works in restaurants and commercial kitchens knows that self-monitoring is extremely important, even though it may not be among the most popular tasks in the kitchen. To be able to serve safe food, you need the right tools that make it easy to document, follow up and report that you are meeting the set requirements.
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