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Empowering a sustainable food service industry

One plate at a time

The platform for successful and sustainable food service organisations

Matilda Foodtech is the platform that connects all functions of the meal process, from food procurement to meal planning, serving and follow-up. Always with a focus on sustainability.

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Traceability provides security. Every ingredient becomes traceable and ensures a safe meal for every guest, including correct special diets and consistency adjustment, if necessary.



Correct nutritional value. With calculated nutritional values, each group of guests receives meals adapted to their needs at each serving.


More efficient

Fast handling and fewer errors. Increased productivity with automation of manual processes and immediate access to all relevant information at every step.

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Continuous measurements and follow-ups throughout the meal process. Increased knowledge of exactly where in the process waste occurs results in considerable savings.


Increased sustainability

Make climate-smart food choices. Each raw material shows its environmental load, including transport. Replace ingredients and quickly see how climate impact can be improved.


More for less

Cost efficiency, automation and optimisation. Provide everyone with a common overview. Reduce costs by up to 20 percent.

Smarter together

Serving good food to many people is important, but certainly not easy. The meal process is complex, every small change affects every stage. Only a comprehensive solution makes it possible to see how each change affects the whole.

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Common platform

With Matilda FSRM (Food Service Resource Management) you connect all employees throughout the process. All are important for working climate-smart with traceability and transparency. From procurement to meal planning, serving and follow-up.

Read more about Matilda FSRM Platform

Constant improvement

Regardless of whether public or private sector, we have brought to the table everything needed for the entire food service organisation to succeed. Together you benefit from your combined skills to automate, optimise and develop all processes.

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Food is data

The key to success is access to data. More often than not, it already exists in the organisation, but is not utilised. In the hands of decision-makers and operational staff, all opportunities are opened up to manage and drive the business towards lower costs, healthier and more sustainable meals.

Simple and transparent

Matilda FSRM (Food Service Resource Management) highlights data and makes it easy to see how each change has an impact. What changes when you change ingredients in recipes? Will it be more expensive or cheaper? Do we comply with rules and regulations? How are the sustainability goals and customer satisfaction affected? Data gives you the answers you need.

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Control over the whole meal process

Matilda FSRM (Food Service Resource Management) is the platform that connects all of the functions in the meal process from procurement, planning, production, serving and follow-up.

Food procurement

Immediate access to all purchasing statistics. Complete information on all items, including properties.

  • Procurement support
  • Set requirements at item level
  • Secure costs

Meal planning

Support with total control of all parameters such as nutrition, price, customers, invoicing, special diets, waste and climate impact.

  • Publishing
  • Planning & Purchasing
  • Control food waste

Self-monitoring & Risk analysis

Central control, change and monitoring. Fewer mistakes and less administration, comply with laws and regulations.

  • Tailor-made solutions
  • Quick status overview
  • Simplifies audits, trackable

Ordering & Delivery

Ensures the right products, the right quality, to the right customer at the right time. Support for recurring orders, customise.

  • Portion management
  • Facilitate logistics & transport
  • Financial basis

Data analysis & Reports

Make wise budgeting decisions with high demands on nutritional content, organically grown, Swedish origin and locally produced.

  • Follow-up
  • Goal follow-up & Forecasts
  • Integrate with other systems

What we offer

With Matilda FSRM (Food Service Resource Management) you connect all employees throughout the process. From procurement to meal planning, serving and follow-up. 

Click on the links below to read more about the different solutions that we offer within Matilda FSRM platform.

Hantera 800X400

Quality assure and streamline your food procurements with Hantera. Create procurement documents, compare tenders and follow up purchases against agreements or goals. 

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Matilda Maltidsplaneringssystem
Matilda Meal planning system

With Matilda in the kitchen, you gain control of the whole meal process, from purchasing and recipes to serving and waste.

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Mashie 800 Dashboard
Mashie Meal planning system

Digitalise the meal process quickly and easily with a solution designed for users regardless of previous computer experience. Discover Mashie.

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Dankost 800
Dankost Pro

Dankost Pro makes it quick, easy and straightforward to update and maintain declarations that comply with the Food Labelling Regulation.

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Cloud Menu Laptop

cloudMenu is the recipe for comfortable, transparent and sustainable economising in commercial kitchens. More time for the important things, like your guests.

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Matilda EK, Flera Enheter (1)
Matilda Food Safety

With digital checklists and reminders, Matilda creates security and traceability throughout the entire food service chain.

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Food, more important than ever

Food accounts for a third of the world’s emissions and a third of all food is thrown away. If the global goals are to be achieved by 2030, production and handling must change to become more sustainable, safe and efficient.

Common platform

With Matilda FSRM (Food Service Resource Management) you connect all employees throughout the process. All are important for working climate-smart with traceability and transparency. From procurement to meal planning, serving and follow-up.

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For people

Awareness of how food and diet affect health is increasing. More and more people want to know more about how they can improve their well-being. Likewise, every player in the food service is expected to take responsibility for preventing illness and suffering. Being part of the solution in terms of people’s health which, in the transition to a sustainable society, is a prerequisite.


Food accounts for 30 percent of the world’s Co2 emissions.



Swedes now eat approximately 40 percent more meat compared to 1990.



Every year, 90,000 Swedes fall ill with diseases linked to food and physical inactivity.


Environment and finance.

How much saving can you make?